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Erin – 2012 Graduate

ErinI grew up in a big Christian family, but I always felt left out. My head was full of lies that I was unloved, forgotten, and worthless. I never fully understood who God was or what being a believer really meant. As I grew older, I hated myself, became very depressed, and saw no purpose for my life. I started to self-harm to cope with my pain, and turned to drugs, alcohol, and boys for fulfillment. I felt more broken, used, and abused every day. When my mom told me about Mercy, my addictions and depression were completely out of control. I realized I needed help and soon applied to the program.

Once at Mercy, God changed my desires and gave me freedom from my bondage. John 10:10 became my mantra: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Today, I realize that I’m not my past, and it doesn’t define me. I’m a new girl in Christ, and the Word of God is alive and active within me. God has a beautiful destiny just waiting for me to walk into. I now know how to pray and be in a relationship with the Holy Spirit, and I’m so excited about my future.

After graduation, I went home to enjoy the family God has blessed me with. My addictions had really wreaked havoc in my family, but God truly is a restorer of all things and now my parents and siblings are some of my biggest supporters and friends! I got very involved in church and walked out my freedom through accountability, serving and finding a work environment where I could minister to my co-workers. When I went on a 10 day medical mission trip to Guatemala, God really began to stir my heart for the lost and the poor.

A friend then told me about an amazing world known non-profit ministry with bases in over 30 countries all over the world. I applied and got accepted to attend their 3 month Harvest School in Pemba Mozambique. While there I learned all about cross cultural missions while everyday practically applying what I learned. I spent my 1 year Mercy Graduation Anniversary in Africa and celebrated by getting baptized in the Indian Ocean!

I strongly felt like that was the next step for me was to apply to the organization’s leadership school. I told my family I was stepping out in faith and moving across the country to continue pursuing my destiny. My family supported me 100%! God did so much in those 9 months, I learned how to start non-profit organizations, how to be a good leader and communicate well, I learned how to preach and teach and really step up and into all God has for me! Through that experience God opened the door for me to start working for the leader’s school and church! I am so honored and overjoyed to be a part of this amazing group of world changing leaders! This past year has held so many amazing adventures! It is only through God that I have been able to overcome life’s hardships and walk boldly into all of this!

I am also extremely grateful for Mercy and the huge impact it had on my life! I could have died with a needle in my arm, but God had other plans for me! On my graduation day I had no idea what the verse Jeremiah 29:11 meant, or how it would look in my life, but I clung to it. “For I know the plans I have for you declares The Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Now looking back on the 3+ years since my graduation, I can see how those amazing plans of the Lord have unfolded in my life! And this is just the beginning! The best is yet to come! I am so glad that Nancy Alcorn followed the voice of The Lord and started this amazing program! Thousands of girls have been rescued from darkness and brought into the light because one person chose to say yes to The Lord!