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Erin – 2014 Graduate

ErinI grew up in a broken home. My mom was amazing, but my dad walked out on our family when I was a baby. From a young age, I craved love from a father. When I was in high school, my sister became very sick from her severe eating disorder and drinking problem. She dropped out of college and after several failed attempts at treatment centers she came to Mercy. Meanwhile, I went away to college on a tennis scholarship. I started to party all the time, and by the time I was a junior, my grades started to slip. The summer before my senior year of college, I lost my tennis scholarship. I was losing everything to drinking and drugs, and although I was very addicted, I didn’t want to see I had a problem. Eventually, my family intervened but I didn’t want to look to God for my answers. I kept seeking out boys and alcohol and ended up in a very toxic and abusive relationship. I became pregnant and had an abortion. After this, I felt like I deserved to die. I finally applied to Mercy, but ended up pregnant by the same guy again before coming. A few weeks later, I had a miscarriage. I truly thought God hated me and was punishing me for having an abortion. I was completely broken and didn’t want to live.

When I finally arrived at Mercy, I was very depressed. I cried all the time. I was completely brokenhearted and thought I would rather die than move on without my ex-boyfriend. I didn’t want to give up my other life, but deep down I knew I needed to. I felt like I didn’t have any hope left.

When I came back to Mercy after Christmas break, I finally decided to surrender EVERYTHING to Him. Once I did this, God really started working in my life and showed me that I am forgiven and made whole through Him. I am forgiven regardless of my past, and I do not have to be labeled as “the girl who had the abortion.” God has pulled me out of the deepest pit! I now have no temptation to drink or use drugs, and I am resolved not to contact my ex-boyfriend when I leave Mercy. Through Christ I have found wholeness, strength, beauty and freedom. I am a new creation!

After Mercy, I will return home to be with my family. God has restored the opportunity to play and teach tennis again, and I am so excited. I will also be helping my sister with her twin babies. I truly believe God is blessing my family with a double portion to redeem the loss of my babies. In the fall, I will be going back to school to finish my degree. After college, I’d like to start a support group for women who have had abortions and help others receive the forgiveness I have learned to walk in.

I am so thankful to Mercy for giving me a second chance. The staff and the donors have showed love and not judgment. I was so afraid to be pregnant outside of marriage, but Mercy provided an option for me. I have hope again for the first time in 10 years. My dreams had been stolen, but Christ changed my life and gave me permission to dream again. I cannot thank everyone enough for allowing me this opportunity to restore my life.