Emily – 2013 Graduate

EmilyI grew up in a Christian home but at a young age I was physically, sexually, and emotionally abused by two family members, who also allowed others to abuse me. I was also bullied at school which led to an 11 year struggle with anorexia and bulimia. I began to self-harm to try and release the pain. I also abused alcohol, pain killers, and sleeping medication. I was raped on a consistent basis in college by different men and eventually found myself in a relationship with a man who was verbally, physically, and sexually abusive. I thought that was what a relationship was supposed look like because of what I had gone through. After getting myself in a cycle of partying, binging, purging, restricting, and then deep holes of depression, I didn’t want to live anymore. I tried to drink myself to death, but God saved me!

I found out about Mercy through a counselor from my hometown who recommended the program. I decided to apply, so I could come get help.

At Mercy, God has totally transformed my life. He has shown me that He never left me, and He was always protecting me even in the horrific moments of my childhood. I learned to trust Him and His plans for me. Though I am still a work in progress, God has set me free from my addictions and shown me that I am beautiful. I don’t need to harm my body or try to become more beautiful through an eating disorder. God has restored my desire to live and given me hope that my life to come will be full of joy and peace.

I will be attending college and plan to major in psychology and minor in pastoral ministry. I also plan to use my story to tell people about the power of Christ.

I can’t say enough to thank the supporters who make Mercy possible. You gave me a chance to live my life again and to get the healing I needed. Thank you for donating, and thank you Nancy for creating a place where I could come free of charge to actually receive the freedom I’ve been longing for. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!