Emily – 2015 Graduate

EmilyI was born into a dysfunctional family, and my parents divorced when I was young. As an only child, I felt like I was never good enough. Growing up, I suffered physical and emotional abuse and was introduced to the occult. With addiction present in my home life, my world remained violent, dark and chaotic. Hearing and believing lies about my body and worth led me to excessively exercise and restrict my food. I would never let myself sit still and obsessed over my size. After the traumatic death of a loved one, I became depressed and even more consumed with my body image. I didn’t see any reason to live and became suicidal. My life seemed to revolve around binging, purging, and self-harming. All that I cared about was destroying myself. I began to take narcotics to sleep all the pain away, and I attempted suicide for the first time.

While my life was in a state of chaos, one of my teachers began taking me to church and spending time with me. She knew a Mercy graduate and introduced us. The Mercy graduate encouraged me to apply to Mercy and supported me through it all.

Though it was a gradual process, God completely transformed me during my time at Mercy. He showed me what it could look like to live rather than just survive. I have learned that I am worthy of only good things. I began to believe that I am a picture of God’s grace and faithfulness. I am loved. God showed me that He made me exactly the way He wanted me, despite the lies that I had been told. I am not a lost case, but I am His beautiful display.

After graduating from Mercy, I plan to finish high school. I hope to go to college and become a counselor. I want to eventually get married and have a family. I also want to go on mission trips to Brazil.

I want to thank all of the Mercy supporters for giving me a second chance at life! I have been completely set free, and I do not have words to express how much it means to me.