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Emily – 2015 Graduate

Emily 2015Before applying to Mercy I was in a dark pit in which I saw no light or end. I had tried to commit suicide a number of times after having been physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually abused.

At a crisis center, I was introduced to a longtime supporter of Mercy. She shared the amazing things I could learn by going to Mercy. The day that the District Attorney decided that they would not try my assault case, I began the application process to Mercy.

When I arrived at Mercy I was closed off and angry. I had no room for love because my heart was full of bitterness. I wanted to get healing so bad, but I just wasn’t sure it was possible. I was so scared to get hurt again that I did not want to let anyone in. Slowly that all began to change.

A major turning point for me while at Mercy was when I was able to pray forgiveness and blessing over my past abusers. It was amazing to know that I truly wanted them to experience the powerful healing of God.

While I was at Mercy God redeemed my past hurts and choices. He has given me joy and overwhelming peace. I learned how to forgive and live in true freedom.

After graduating from Mercy, I plan to move back home. I hope to pursue ministry, working with youth and children who have been victims of abuse. I also want to share my story with people to help show them that there is always hope and love in Christ.

Thank you to everyone who has worked, donated and been a part of making Mercy what it is today. It is because of your willingness to serve God that I am able to stand with confidence and pride and say that I am free! I am beyond thankful for your gifts because they led me to personally know God.