Life before Mercy was exhausting. I felt like I constantly had to hide how much I was struggling. I didn’t feel like I had a voice or had any worth. I was overwhelmed with shame and self-hatred. Life didn’t feel worth living.

I heard about Mercy from my aunt, but I blew it off as being too extreme. I heard about Mercy again from the dean of students at Oral Roberts University. I decided to apply after reading the testimonies on the website because I realized that I couldn’t continue to live life the way that I was living it.

When I arrived, I was very apprehensive about if Mercy would work for me. Over the Christmas break, I realized how much I truly needed to be here.  A huge turning point for me was admitting that I had an abortion and allowing myself to grieve over that decision.

God has completely transformed my life during my time at Mercy! I learned who God says I am. I know that I am a daughter of God, and He has always been with me. Even in the darkest moments of my life, He never left my side. I know I have been completely forgiven, and I know that I am loved unconditionally by God! Nothing I have ever done or will ever do can change God’s love for me. God showed me that He has completely redeemed me from my past, and He has amazing plans for my future.

After Mercy, I plan to work as a CNA while attending college to become a pediatric nurse. I also plan to learn acoustic guitar and join the worship team at my church as well as serve in the children’s ministry.

To the donors, thank you so much for giving to Mercy! Through Mercy, God has completely changed my life!