1997 Residential Program Graduate Update

“When I walked through the doors of Mercy Multiplied at 17, I was a tangled mess of depression, anxiety, and addiction, reeling from being raped by several men and subsequently pregnant. As I worked through each life-altering issue, I made the prayerful decision to place my child for adoption. However, during my 36-week checkup, we discovered that the baby I carried had died in utero due to a knotted umbilical cord. During this extremely difficult time, God showed me He could carry me through anything, and running to drugs for an escape wouldn’t relieve the pain; instead, they compound it. I still carry with me the life lessons Mercy taught me, especially who I am in Christ; how to pray the Word with authority given by the Holy Spirit; and that mercy, grace, and forgiveness bring true freedom, not only when received, but when given.

As an Army veteran, then Army spouse, and home-schooling mom to seven for the last 22 years, there were many times I was able to put what I learned into practice.

Over the last several years, our crew has had the opportunity to work and serve with a Christian camp ministry. Our eldest sons have chosen to intern year-round, while the rest of my crew and I spend our summers and holiday breaks with them, supporting ministry to all ages that attend their retreats. All of this – my life, the life of my husband and children, and the changed lives we have been able to share Christ with – is because the staff of Mercy Multiplied shared the tangible, unconditional love of Christ with a broken young woman 25 years ago.”

-Elodie was a graduate from Mercy in 1997