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Devin – 2014 Graduate

DevinWhen I was in third grade, I moved to another state and encountered bullying for the first time. I was bullied for the next eight years. The end of my sophomore year of high school, I started restricting my food and purging daily. I also started to cut as a way to get rid of the emotional pain I never knew how to deal with.

My home church is a huge supporter of Mercy so I’ve known about the program for a while. I applied because I knew I needed help, and that going to a place that worked on my relationship with God, as well as my struggles, would be best. When I first arrived at Mercy, I was extremely shy and never talked to anyone. My anxiety was extremely high because I was so far from my home.

During our daily praise and worship time, I always felt God’s presence and would hear Him speak to me. That’s when He started to destroy the lies I had believed for years. At Mercy, God showed me what it’s like to be loved unconditionally and never judged. I learned that He sees me as a beautiful princess and nothing I have ever done could make Him love me less.

After Mercy, I plan on going home, getting a job, starting school and spending time with my horses. In the future, I would like to major in equine business management so I can become a horse trainer and own a training stable.

I am very grateful for all the amazing supporters who give to Mercy! Without them, I would not have been able to get the help and healing I desperately needed. I will never be able to show how grateful I am to have had this amazing opportunity.