Danielle – 2017 Graduate

Danielle - 2017 Mercy GraduateGrowing up I was sexually abused by a close family member. After the abuse was discovered, my sister and I moved to a woman’s shelter and never discussed what happened. Deep roots of shame and fear of my future were planted. My mom got married, and we became a bigger family. I felt my mom and stepdad were emotionally disconnected to my life and that my needs weren’t important. When I was 14, I began doing drugs, drinking, stealing, fighting, and became sexually active. At the age of 18, I began working at a strip club. After working there, I started a relationship that lasted five years with a significantly older man. During our relationship, I developed an eating disorder and began to starve myself. After the relationship ended, I entered into another relationship. No matter how much I knew it was wrong, I couldn’t get out. Then I experienced an encounter with Jesus Christ. I ran into a girl at a book store, and I complimented the flower in her hair. She asked if there is anything she could pray for me about. I told her yes, I need some clarity in my life about this relationship I am in. She prayed the most beautiful prayer in Jesus’ name that moved my heart and spirit. I invited her over the next day, then I unfolded my dreams, passions, and life story. She told me if I were to marry this guy, I would settle for less than I deserve. She suggested a training discipleship school to learn about Jesus and make Him known while surfing. I ended the relationship I was in, and applied in June. In December, I was accepted. With only 28 days left till the school started, the Lord provided every dollar amount I needed. I flew out to begin the program and two and a half months into the program, I hit a wall. I was so ashamed of my past that I broke down and finally told the leaders. They suggested Mercy Multiplied. I applied and got accepted.

When I arrive at Mercy Multiplied, I was so desperate to be free of being a slave, I was ready to do what I had to do.

A turning point at Mercy came when I started renewing my mind of the lies I believed for so long. Surrounded by accountability for my eating disorder, I was able to get the healing I needed in counseling. I learned to discern the voices in my head that tried to shame me.

God taught me I can come to Him just as I am. He’s a loving Father, not a condemning God. He promises to supply my every need. He broke the generational patterns, lies, and fear I felt bound by. Now I am able to walk completely free of shame and lies and be who I was made to be in Christ to live out my God-given destiny. God has also helped me break free from the bondage of an eating disorder.

After Mercy, I plan on being a disciple of Christ the rest of my life, wherever God sends me.

To all the Mercy supporters, I want to say, thank you so much for donating. If it wasn’t for your generous support, I would not have been able to afford my healing process at Mercy. I am so excited to walk out my new life in Christ.