Christina – 2015 Graduate

ChristinaLAfter becoming pregnant at 17, I had an abortion, which led to my 12-year battle with an eating disorder. At 19, I began using cocaine as an appetite suppressant, and it quickly became an addiction. I got off of it, found out I was pregnant soon after, and then developed a prescription pill addiction. My eating disorder and addiction fed off each other, leading me into a vicious cycle. After being raped at 22, my life spiraled out of control. At 29, after the loss of two marriages and the loss of all hope, I began using so much that I would overdose repeatedly. I almost found myself in jail twice in one night.

I found out about Mercy through a family member and applied because I had run out of options. When I first came to Mercy, I was scared, but I also felt safe for the first time in years.

A turning point for me was when I really accepted God. I had grown up in a Christian home, but I really didn’t know what it meant to be a Christian or to have a relationship with God.

Since being at Mercy, God has delivered me from my shame. Also, I’ve learned who I am in Him, and it has freed me so much.

After graduation, I plan to finish my college degree, get a job, and move into my own place. I am also looking forward to being a great mom to my two sweet children.

Thank you so much for all you have done! You showed me the way to Jesus, and for that I will be forever grateful. I am so excited to experience life in freedom!