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Christa – 2012 Graduate

ChristaI was emotionally abused as a child, which made me shut down. I didn’t show my feelings and refused to cry. To release my pain, I started cutting, over-eating, drinking, and taking pills. No one could guide me through my confusion, so I lost hope in everything, including God. If life was going to be this hard, I wanted to die.

Even though I was struggling with so many addictions, I went to Christian concerts and heard about Mercy. This seed of hope was in my mind when my life started spiraling out of control. I remembered hearing about Mercy and believed it was exactly where I had to be. I applied knowing I wouldn’t live much longer without help.

When I arrived at Mercy, I was full of hope that freedom was possible for me. I had so many burdens, but I knew if I opened myself up to healing, God wouldn’t fail. It’s amazing how my relationship with the Lord was re-awakened. My emotions were restored, and I learned the value of my life. God created me for relationship, so I started opening my heart to Him and other people. I let God be strong in my weakness and watched Him fill my heart.

Today, I am a renewed, child of God. I actually want to live! God is rebuilding the broken pieces of my heart, and He’s guiding my life’s direction. Daily, I’m renewing my mind with His Word and am making Him the protector of my heart.

After graduating from Mercy, I plan to attend school. Someday, I hope to earn a master’s degree in counseling. I’ll always be thankful for the second chance Mercy gave me.