Celebrating 12 New Graduates at Mercy
June 2, 2016
Mercy Multiplied celebrates these 12 courageous young women who recently graduated from the Mercy program. Through hard work and God’s transforming power, each woman was able to break free from her life-controlling issues and find hope and purpose for her life. Read each of their amazing stories below.

The first few months at Mercy I cried so many tears and realized how many lies I had believed about myself and how much danger I had put myself and others in. I saw that I was really broken and the only way to ever be renewed and put back together was by letting God have full control of my life.

This program has been the turning point in my life. I was literally ready to die and now, through the opportunity of this ministry, the Lord has brought me back to life.

Through Mercy I learned that I have a choice in how I behave and what I think about. I realized I’m worth fighting for and that I’m a lot stronger than I thought I was. God has given me a hope and joy I thought I’d never have again.

I grew up feeling unworthy, alone, and forgotten…Through my time at Mercy, God planted in me a seed of hope and purpose. I can walk around with my head held high knowing I am loved, accepted, and forgiven, and that my past does not have to dictate my future.

Once I was able to get honest with God about my fears that He was not really going to come through for me or that He was somehow withholding from me, I experienced real break-through.

While at Mercy, God softened my heart towards myself and towards others… God showed me what freedom is and how to walk in it. God has restored many relationships with my family. He delivered me from anxiety and depression, as well as many addictions.

Through my time at Mercy, God showed me that even though I wanted nothing to do with Him while all the bad in my life was happening, He was still there protecting me. He has shown me His plan for my life and has helped me learn to trust Him.

The time that I spent at Mercy has completely restored my hope and transformed my life. I am so grateful to have a renewed perspective in my walk with the Lord and new tools to continue fighting for my freedom in everyday life.

All through my childhood, I felt ashamed of who I was because of the lies I believed. I learned that the way to overcome self-hatred is a process – a process of seeing yourself through God’s eyes and courageously choosing to accept and love yourself. Jesus showed me that I am seen.

God used the Mercy counseling curriculum to bring breakthrough. Renewing my mind to the Word of God opened my eyes to who He really is. I learned to uncover the lies I had believed for so long and replace them with truth.

I learned who I am in Christ!! I learned that I have value and worth and that I don’t have to live under the labels of addiction, alcoholism, borderline personality disorder, depression, or anything else anymore.

I finally told God that He could do what He needed to in my heart. I started opening up to the staff and trusting them with how I was really feeling. Once I began to be honest, God met me where I was and showed me who He was and how much He truly loved me.
To read more stories of transformation, visit our Lives Transformed page.