59 | The Importance of Self-Care (Part Two)
The Importance of Self-Care (Part Two) In this weeks podcast, MercyTalk hosts Jen and Melanie discuss how important self-care is for everyday life as well as [...]
The Importance of Self-Care (Part Two) In this weeks podcast, MercyTalk hosts Jen and Melanie discuss how important self-care is for everyday life as well as [...]
As a part of its multi-dimensional approach designed to address the whole person—body, mind and spirit—Mercy Multiplied often invites guest speakers to teach the [...]
Introducing Mercy's Summer Interns July 7, 2016 This summer Mercy Multiplied has three interns serving in our Nashville home and corporate office. We’re so [...]
The Importance of Self-Care (Part One) Self-care can be described as the intentional, daily actions and choices that are made to ensure that an individual is renewed and refreshed. This [...]
Hindrances in Helping Others In this MercyTalk podcast, our hosts, Melanie Wise and Jen Otero interview one of Mercy's intake coordinators, Trish, on various hindrances [...]
Friends of Mercy Luncheons Give Inside View, Offer Resources June 30, 2016 Guests read about Mercy in the 2016 Multiply! magazine. [...]
Monroe Freedom Experience a Success! June 28, 2016 "The fact that you are here this weekend, proves to me that you want the [...]
Overcoming a Victim Mentality A victim mentality is a learned personality trait that hinders an individual from taking responsibility for their actions and living an empowered [...]
Mercy Multiplied Residents Gained Confidence "In His Wakes" June 23, 2016 In His Wakes staff giving an on-shore presentation before Mercy residents [...]
Mercy Multiplied Celebrates Seven New Graduates June 22, 2016 In May, Mercy Multiplied celebrated the graduations of seven young women from the Mercy program. [...]
St. Louis Mercy Residents Serve at JUMP! KIDS June 15, 2016 St. Louis Mercy residents ready to serve at JUMP! KIDS [...]
Mercy Achieves 4-Star Charity Rating—Again! June 9, 2016 For the eighth time, Mercy Multiplied has garnered the most coveted 4-star rank from Charity Navigator, [...]