72 | Choosing Forgiveness

2024-12-05T20:20:04-06:00Oct 14, 2016|Podcast, Supporting Others|

Choosing Forgiveness Forgiveness is a choice and plays an integral part in every healing process. Join Melanie and Jen, our MercyTalk hosts, as they discuss [...]

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71 | How To Renew Your Mind

2024-12-05T20:20:06-06:00Oct 7, 2016|Podcast, Supporting Others|

How To Renew Your Mind Understanding the importance of renewing our minds is the first step in overcoming the lies that we believe. Knowing HOW to renew our minds [...]

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Being a Healthy Accountability Person 

2019-07-18T10:27:09-05:00Oct 2, 2016|Supporting Others|

When an opportunity to serve in an accountability role comes up in your life, it is important to assess whether or not you are in a good place mentally and spiritually before you position yourself to help other people. It doesn’t mean you have to be perfect or have no problems, but it’s imperative that you carry a level of health and wholeness before you can step into that role and expect it to be a success!

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70 | Renewing the Mind

2024-12-05T20:20:08-06:00Sep 29, 2016|Podcast, Supporting Others|

Renewing the Mind Renewing our minds to the truth of God’s Word changes everything. Join Melanie and Jen, our MercyTalk hosts, as they discuss Renewing [...]

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