49 | Mercy for Abuse: Seeds of Hope
Mercy for Abuse: Seeds of Hope Mercy's Founder and President Nancy Alcorn often says, "You can't argue with a changed life." This MercyTalk podcast invites Mercy graduate and current [...]
Mercy for Abuse: Seeds of Hope Mercy's Founder and President Nancy Alcorn often says, "You can't argue with a changed life." This MercyTalk podcast invites Mercy graduate and current [...]
Mercy for Abuse: Helping Others Overcome the Effects of Abuse Need some support as you work to help the hurting? This MercyTalk podcast offers encouragement and [...]
Mercy for Abuse: From Victim to Victor! Through Mercy Multiplied's "Choices That Bring Change" counseling curriculum, women are given the revelation of life-transforming empowerment. In this [...]
Abuse is often times a root cause to many life-controlling behavioral issues that individuals develop in an effort to cope with the unbearable pain they [...]
Treatment vs Transformation In this MercyTalk podcast, we explore the difference between treatment and transformation. Hear from Mercy staff Hazel as she shares from her [...]
When reaching out to and ministering to an individual who might be struggling with self-harm, it is important to know how to respond with love, [...]
Mercy for Self-Harm: Empowered by Choice Self-harm can be rooted in deeply traumatic experiences. While those experiences can explain the root of this life-controlling issue, empowerment and freedom come [...]
Mercy for Self-Harm: Understanding the Issue Self-harm has become a rampant epidemic that is affecting many young people today. However, many people don’t understand the [...]
A Helper’s Perspective on Overcoming Eating Disorders Janelle Avery, Nutrition and Fitness Manager of the Nashville Mercy home, returns in this MercyTalk podcast to share her professional insight and experiences she has had in helping [...]
Victory over Eating Disorders "The key to success is blending the natural with the spiritual,” explains Janelle Avery, Nutrition and Fitness Manager of the Nashville [...]
Learning Balance When Overcoming Eating Disorders In this MercyTalk podcast, learn the importance of developing and managing healthy eating habits. Also learn how you can be a balanced helper when ministering to [...]
Signs and Symptoms of an Eating Disorder MercyTalk continues its "Mercy For" series with powerful information on how to recognize the behavioral fruit of an eating disorder. Whether you or [...]