72 | Choosing Forgiveness

2024-12-05T20:20:04-06:00Oct 14, 2016|Podcast, Supporting Others|

Choosing Forgiveness Forgiveness is a choice and plays an integral part in every healing process. Join Melanie and Jen, our MercyTalk hosts, as they discuss [...]

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71 | How To Renew Your Mind

2024-12-05T20:20:06-06:00Oct 7, 2016|Podcast, Supporting Others|

How To Renew Your Mind Understanding the importance of renewing our minds is the first step in overcoming the lies that we believe. Knowing HOW to renew our minds [...]

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70 | Renewing the Mind

2024-12-05T20:20:08-06:00Sep 29, 2016|Podcast, Supporting Others|

Renewing the Mind Renewing our minds to the truth of God’s Word changes everything. Join Melanie and Jen, our MercyTalk hosts, as they discuss Renewing [...]

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