219 | How to Deal with Difficult People: The Friendly Sniper
This month on Mercy Talk, we’ll be welcoming special guest Jenn Otero as we dive into our theme, “How to Deal”. In “How to Deal”, [...]
This month on Mercy Talk, we’ll be welcoming special guest Jenn Otero as we dive into our theme, “How to Deal”. In “How to Deal”, [...]
In the last installment of our series on entitlement, we’ll look at why doing hard things first and keeping inconvenient commitments makes all the difference [...]
In the third episode of our series on entitlement, we’ll discuss a self-image that actually helps with the entitlement problem and how to replace the [...]
In the second installment of this series, we’ll discuss God’s framework for working through entitlement and how to encourage others who find themselves stuck there. [...]
This month on MercyTalk, we’ll be diving into the book, "The Entitlement Cure", by Dr. John Townsend and examining how entitlement feeds us two primary [...]
This series is meant to explore the church’s response to topics that are oftentimes criticized, belittled or even ignored. This is a forum in which [...]
This series is meant to explore the church’s response to topics that are oftentimes criticized, belittled or even ignored. This is a forum in which [...]
This series is meant to explore the church’s response to topics that are oftentimes criticized, belittled or even ignored. This is a forum in which [...]
This series is meant to explore the church’s response to topics that are oftentimes criticized, belittled or even ignored. This is a forum in which [...]
In this episode, we’ll look at how we can better love and serve those who have walked through the pain and difficulty of divorce.
In the fourth installment of the series called “How Do We Respond?”, we’ll discuss infertility and pregnancy loss and why it’s important that we not grow [...]
In the third installment of our series called “How Do We Respond?”, we’ll discuss the body of Christ’s posture towards the special needs community and [...]