261 | Processing Anger

2024-12-05T20:11:24-06:00Apr 23, 2020|Podcast|

Anger is a feeling that most of us associate with unpleasant experiences (who can blame us!). Whether recalling fights with family, friends or maybe just [...]

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259 | Loneliness and Quarantine

2024-12-05T20:11:26-06:00Apr 16, 2020|Podcast|

As we continue to navigate a world that feels so different from even a month ago, it should come as no surprise that emotions are [...]

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258 | Processing Fear and Sadness

2024-12-05T20:11:28-06:00Apr 9, 2020|Podcast|

More than ever before, many of us can relate to feelings of fear and sadness on a global level. While those who trust in Jesus [...]

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257 | Peace in the Midst of Anxiety

2024-12-05T20:11:29-06:00Apr 2, 2020|Podcast|

We are recording from our homes and again; we’ve never been more grateful for technology! So, as we face a new week together, we wanted [...]

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255 | Our Call in the Midst of Covid-19

2024-12-05T20:11:31-06:00Mar 26, 2020|Podcast|

It’s no secret that our world is hurting and facing unknown territory in the wake of COVID-19. With so many questions and hurdles to climb, [...]

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250 | National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

2024-12-05T20:11:40-06:00Feb 24, 2020|Podcast|

This week on MercyTalk, we’re dropping a special episode for National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. As we discuss the definition of what an eating disorder [...]

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249 | The Pitfalls of Pride

2024-12-05T20:11:41-06:00Feb 20, 2020|Podcast|

Envy, pride, comparison and greed. At times, it can feel like a struggle to be honest about what’s really going on inside our hearts as [...]

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248 | No Room at the Table

2024-12-05T20:11:43-06:00Feb 13, 2020|Podcast|

Envy, pride, comparison and greed. At times, it can feel like a struggle to be honest about what’s really going on inside our hearts as [...]

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