

2022-10-03T13:32:53-05:00Sep 8, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

I was born into a great family who loves Jesus and taught us the importance of following Him. When I was two years old, my [...]

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2022-10-03T13:48:15-05:00Jul 5, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"Jesus truly met me in my darkness and brought so much peace, joy, and light. He healed my heart, healed my body, and restored my joy."

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2022-10-03T13:49:33-05:00Jul 5, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"Coming out of Mercy, I can finally say I am not defined as depressed, but I choose to live in God’s joy every day. I am no longer misunderstood, but I have a voice and a Father who understands and loves me."

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2022-10-03T13:50:14-05:00Jul 5, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"I know that God has used what I thought would kill me, to give me a brand new life in Him. I believe now, without any doubt, that my life is meaningful."

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2022-10-03T13:51:01-05:00Jul 5, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"God has given me so much joy while I have been at Mercy and has constantly shown me who I really am."

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2020-09-22T13:49:11-05:00Jul 5, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"Before Mercy, I lived in a constant state of survival and hopelessness. On the outside, it seemed that I was a responsible young woman whose life was well put together."

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2020-09-22T13:49:12-05:00Jul 5, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"Being at Mercy taught me that I could break every generational pattern and break free from oppression the enemy has put on me."

Comments Off on Auna


2022-10-03T13:52:25-05:00Jul 5, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"At Mercy, I was able to see God in a whole new light and see Him as the loving Father He is. I was able to renew my mind and see myself in a new light."

Comments Off on Annalea


2022-10-03T13:53:03-05:00Jun 23, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"God continually spoke the name “worthy” over me during my season at Mercy. He dismantled shame’s loudest lie with just this one whispered word."

Comments Off on Hannah


2022-10-03T13:53:58-05:00Jun 23, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"God showed me just how much bondage I was in, and I started going through this journey, not for anyone else, but for myself. I decided I would put my whole heart into this program, and I was determined to graduate, no matter how hard it would be."

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