When I was a small child, a family member was physically and spiritually abusive towards me. They also heavily favored my brother over me which [...]
When I was a small child, a family member was physically and spiritually abusive towards me. They also heavily favored my brother over me which [...]
To paraphrase a message by Andy Stanley, never leverage another person’s pain to justify the inexistence of God because what you’ll often find in the [...]
I was raised in the church and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was five years old. Even though I had Godly influences [...]
When I was a baby, my father moved to America to support our family financially, and shortly after, my mom left us. I was raised [...]
I was born into a broken family. For most of my life, my dad was sick, and my mom was either taking care of him [...]
For as long as I can remember, this emptiness yanked on my heart like a leash on a dog. As a teenager, I started self-harming [...]
Throughout my life, I was a competitive cheerleader, a softball player, and most recently, a lacrosse player. I spent the first two years of college [...]
I was not raised in a Christian home. By age 6, my childhood best friend began sexually abusing me. This led to intimacy issues and [...]
I was born to teenage parents who both came from broken, dysfunctional homes. By the age of six, I was sexually abused by a close [...]
I was born into a very loving but broken family. My parents separated when I was about two years old. This caused a lot of [...]
I never grew up knowing about God, but life as I knew it seemed to be pretty good. I don’t remember a lot of my [...]
Before Mercy, I was completely out of control and hopeless. Growing up, I was raised in a home where my parents struggled with alcohol and [...]