
2024-12-05T19:25:51-06:00Dec 7, 2009|2009, Lives Transformed|

"God set me free from bulimia and depression and told me I am free to help others find freedom!"

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2024-12-05T19:25:51-06:00Oct 11, 2009|2009, Lives Transformed|

"While I was at Mercy, God changed my heart. He healed me from the inside out and carefully put together the shards that had become my life."

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2024-12-05T19:25:51-06:00Sep 1, 2009|2009, Lives Transformed|

"Not only have I been given my life back, but I have been given that life more abundantly!"

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2024-12-05T19:25:51-06:00Sep 1, 2009|2009, Lives Transformed|

"I was healed from nine different diagnoses and have been taken off ALL the medication doctors told me I would need for the rest of my life!"

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2024-12-05T19:25:51-06:00Aug 26, 2009|2009, Lives Transformed|

"Never allow your past to dictate your future. I want to thank Mercy for never giving up on me and providing hope for my life."

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