4 “F.I.T.T.” Tips to Bust Through Fitness and Faith Plateaus

2024-12-05T19:35:20-06:00Sep 11, 2017|Health & Fitness|

Yes, it is very important to take good care of the one body God has blessed you with here in the present, but it is even more important to be all that God has called you to be. Our spiritual life is not about trying to do good in our own strength to earn God’s love, acceptance, and plans for our lives.

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Tips to Implement Fun into Working Out

2024-12-05T19:35:20-06:00Jan 28, 2017|Health & Fitness|

Have you ever gotten to the point where you know that working out and exercising is good for your body, but you just don’t enjoy it? Or maybe you are someone who would love to incorporate fitness into your life, but vowed not to EVER walk into the gym. Or you may be the person who really wants to enjoy working out, but it just seems miserable to you. Besides, who wants to put themselves through achy muscles and soreness? I get it! Working out can become unpleasant and flat out BORING!!! Below are six ways you can incorporate FUN into fitness and your workouts!

Called to Rest

2024-12-05T19:35:20-06:00Oct 14, 2016|Health & Fitness|

What if we aren’t always called to push through? What if we are called to rest? Okay, hear me out. I love a good sleep-until-you-wake-up kind of Saturday morning, but that’s not what I mean. I don’t think the rest we’re seeking can be found in cozy sheets or comfy pillows. We can try to find rest in worldly things. We can try to handle it all ourselves, but we sure aren’t going to make much progress without Him.

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Bring on the Fat!

2024-12-05T19:35:20-06:00Sep 30, 2016|Health & Fitness|

Here’s a practical and encouraging post to find balance in your diet from our Nashville Fitness and Nutrition Manager, Janelle! In our Mercy homes, we teach the importance of taking care of yourself: mind, body and soul! We implement learning balance in fitness and nutrition into the daily lives of our residents!

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I Ate the Mystery

2024-12-05T19:35:20-06:00Aug 12, 2016|Health & Fitness|

Joy is more than a fleeting emotion. It is something rooted in God’s character and view of us. Only by seeking His face in times of struggle are we able to walk in joy, rather than our emotions. We are excited to have this vulnerable and transparent encouragement from one of our California home staff members.

Who Told You That You Were Fat?

2024-12-05T19:35:21-06:00Aug 5, 2016|Health & Fitness|

The Voice of Truth is always there, speaking to us if we will listen. I don’t know what voice you are listening to right now. I don’t know what voice you have been agreeing with and believing. Maybe like me, it gets confusing and hard to know. Maybe like me, everyday is a battle to turn your ear towards God's Voice.

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