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Cassandra – 2015 Graduate

CassieShortly after I was born, my mom was diagnosed with Lupus. As much as my parents were involved in my life, my mom’s sickness required a lot of medical attention, and my siblings and I often spent time with other family members. When I was four years old, two of my family members started molesting me on a daily basis. I just thought that is what was supposed to happen. When I was in 5th grade, my mother passed away. My father remarried about a year later, and I started building resentment towards my stepmother. The sexual abuse continued and escalated when I was forced by family members to have sex with a neighborhood boy. By this time, school, which was once an outlet for me, had become a place where I felt rejected and had no friends to turn to.


In the middle of 7th grade, we moved. I started cutting and rebelling. I was making bad grades and lashing out at my dad and stepmom. When I started high school, I began smoking marijuana and being promiscuous. I was put in a mental hospital twice for my issues. Shortly after graduating high school, my boyfriend of four years broke up with me, and I started using pills and cocaine. I was hooked before I knew it. I met another guy and ended up getting pregnant. I gave birth to my daughter in 2010. After having her, I went back to using drugs, including crystal ice. I knew I needed help and went to a couple of different treatment centers, but I could not stay sober long after getting out. I ended up losing temporary custody of my daughter. I hooked up with a guy who I used with, and we got arrested for multiple counts of drug possession. I spent six months in jail. After I got home, my boyfriend kicked me out of the house, and the next day, I found out I was pregnant.

My boss and his wife had heard about Mercy and told me about it. I decided to apply because my life was completely unmanageable. I wanted to be involved in my daughter’s life, and I wanted to learn to live without drugs.

When I first got to Mercy, I was lost. I was unhappy and hopeless. I thought God was either this mean person we worshipped, or He was make believe. Changing the way I thought about God was a huge turning point for me. I learned He loves me so much that nothing I can ever do will make Him turn his back on me. I also realized that I am not dirty, a bad mother, or worthless. I have worth and value, and I can be a GREAT mother with God’s help. Another HUGE turn around is that I no longer have the desire to use drugs. God has changed my view on life. He has changed my heart and has restored so many broken relationships. He has shown me what unconditional love really is. He has given me a new life.

After graduation, I plan to go back to work and be a mother to my two wonderful children and raise them to love the Lord. One day I want to get married to the man the Lord has in store for me. I also want to go to school to be an OBGYN nurse.

Thank you for all your support you have given. If it wasn’t for you, I would not have been able to come to a program and see my life transformed. I will be forever grateful. You are always in my heart and prayers.