I grew up in a Christian home with a very loving family. After we moved from when I was 13, I began a long downward spiral of battling with mental health struggles and self-harm for the next 10 years. After several suicide attempts and a hospitalization, I somehow ended up participating in Younglife and pursuing a relationship with Christ.
In 2018, I fully committed to Christ and was able to stop self-harming for a year or two. At the time, I remembered being sexually assaulted when I was younger, and as my formerly suppressed memories came back, I was diagnosed with PTSD due to my severe trauma responses. Though some therapy was able to help with my PTSD, my depression and anxiety plummeted once again. Constant changes in medications and counselors left me very unstable. Self-harm was the only way I knew how to cope. Once I became suicidal again and was hospitalized, it was clear to my loved ones that I needed serious help, or this pattern would continue for the rest of my life. Mercy Multiplied was an answer to prayer!
During my time at Mercy, I was able to identify the many lies I so strongly believed, and through learning how to renew my mind, I broke agreements with the lies and started filling my mind with truth instead. The enemy had stolen my identity, and I was convinced of so many horrible things. Learning my identity in Christ and declaring it out loud daily until I believed it wholeheartedly completely transformed me.
At Mercy, I learned how God designed our brains to be able to change based on what we speak and think most often about. With my mind, heart, and mouth full of God’s Word, I formed new thoughts in place of the old ones made by lies from the enemy.
When I got to Mercy, I was a shell of a person – miserable, self-hating, and suicidal. As I prepare to graduate from Mercy I am healed, whole, new, and free! God is so real, and His love redeems, restores, and transforms. I’m so grateful for all He’s done!
I hope to work in live production at a church somewhere near my parents. I hope to one day be a wife and a mom. I’d love to also own a home and have pet goats! I plan to be generous with all I have, supporting global missions well as ministries like Mercy.
To the donors, Mercy has been such a blessing to my family and me! I would not be alive if not for this place. The healing God has done has completely transformed me for the rest of my life, and I have no debt to pay. “Thank you” is not enough! I am beyond grateful.