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Carly – 2015 Graduate

CarlyI experienced a lot of verbal, physical and sexual abuse growing up, causing me to have a negative body image from a very young age. I started exercising to lose weight and self-harming by purposely trying to break my bones. When I was 10 years old, my sister passed away from a seizure, and I held on to a lot of guilt because of that. After her death, I began a six-year battle with anorexia, bulimia and self-harm. I was also addicted to pornography and began abusing the medication I was taking. I was suicidal and extremely depressed. I wanted nothing more than to die.

I found out about Mercy through a graduate, and she encouraged me for three years to apply. I finally realized that I needed help. When I walked through the doors of Mercy, I was very angry, broken, defeated, sick, and hurt and had very little life left in me.

At Mercy, I connected to God. He started to pinpoint the lies I have believed, and He pointed out the truth about what He thinks about me. God taught me that I am his daughter and that I cannot be replaced. He has brought me from death into life and has restored my hope. I learned that I am beautiful and forgiven. God loves me and will never ever stop loving me. He has made me a new creation and has empowered me as a woman. I have the power to overcome evil. God has a beautiful plan for my life, and He loves me so much.

When I graduate from Mercy, I plan to finish high school and go to college for teaching or counseling. I hope to one day get married to a godly man and have a big family. I want to serve the Lord in any way He would lead me.

Thank you so very much for this opportunity to come to Mercy. Your support has helped save my life. Without you, I would never have been able to receive this healing that I have received. I am freer than I have ever been in my life. I look forward to the future, and I know my life is going to be filled with the good things God has planned for me. Thank you again!