Brittany – 2017 Graduate

Brittany - 2017 Mercy GraduateI grew up in a Christian home. My parents got divorced when I was 13. To escape, I became involved in dance. I made it to the collegiate level and then lost it all because I failed my drug screening. Within the next few years, I gave birth to my two children, my most prized parts of myself. However, I had begun injecting myself with hydrocodone, methamphetamine and heroin, which consumed my life. I experienced sexual abuse as a child, and that pattern continued into my adulthood. I was sold for drugs. I was living an empty life. I contemplated taking my own life, but my sweet girls always popped into my head. It tormented me, being a mother who would choose drugs over my children. Near death experience would happen often as I went in and out of rehab, sobriety, and relapse.

I learned about Mercy through the pregnancy center I was at when I found out I was pregnant. I applied to Mercy because I felt it was my last option. When I arrived, I was just a body walking around numb.

A turning point for me during my Mercy journey was when I decided to finally surrender everything to God because I could not do it on my own anymore. I cried out for help, and He answered me.

I have learned that by renewing my mind, and choosing to think differently, amazing things happen with God’s help. When I choose to forgive and give grace, I also receive freedom. Mercy taught me to value and love myself again and helped restore the thoughts that I can be an amazing mom.

After Mercy, I plan to get a job working in ministry or law. I would like to go to law school. I could also use my story to help others for God’s glory.

Thank you, Mercy supporters, for believing in this program. Thank you for your never-ending faith that God will heal and break the chains of young women around the world. With your help, my two daughters get to start a new life with a healthy mommy. Mercy saved my life.