Before I came to Mercy, I grew up learning to hide behind others and be very secretive due to a family member taking advantage of me at a young age. I got very good at living life this way even as I was becoming a wife, mother and teacher. I began making unhealthy choices and hiding them. I started abusing my prescription medication and drinking heavily. Eventually I had dug myself so deep into a hole that I was so miserable and felt so alone. I knew I couldn’t keep on living that way anymore.

My husband and mother-in-law found Mercy and recommended it to me. I decided to apply because my heart longed to be free of everything I had carried in secret for so long.

When I arrived at Mercy, I was broken and felt so much shame.  I felt guilty for leaving my little girl behind. I was so angry with myself and my husband and was weighed down with unforgiveness. But as my time at Mercy continued, God transformed my heart and mind. My desires changed and aligned with His word.  He healed me and began restoring relationships in my life.  He spoke to me in personable ways that I knew were Him.  He met me where I was and forgave me for my past. I am now a new creation in Christ!

After I graduate, my plans are to focus on my marriage and allow God to heal and restore it.  I also plan to continue teaching and touching the lives of children. I want to share my story with others to help them.

To all the Mercy donors, thank you so much for all you do in helping provide a safe, welcoming, and free program to gain freedom and to be loved by people who truly care and value who I am. If it wasn’t for people like you who donate to Mercy, a woman like myself wouldn’t be experiencing what freedom truly is. It’s because of you that I am well equipped to graduate and walk out my salvation in the real world. Thank you!