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Becky – 2014 Graduate

BeckyI grew up in a large family with four brothers and one sister. Home life was chaotic and unstable. I found my stability in school, always striving to get the best grades. I also thought if I was perfect, then things would be better at home. Perfection became my driving force. I felt like everyone expected me to be happy and have it together at all times. I felt like I was holding the world on my shoulders. Eventually, my quest for perfection led to an eating disorder and depression.

Several years ago, a friend mentioned Mercy to me because a girl she knew was applying. Countless times, I downloaded an application, but always decided six months was too long, and I wasn’t that bad. I finally applied last year because I was out of options and my way wasn’t working.

God has done so much for me while I’ve been at Mercy. He set me free from the eating disorder behavior. I had to decide to stop fighting food and accept the structure of the program. I also had to acknowledge that my eating disorder had become my idol. I decided to lay everything down and make God the one and only Lord of my life.

God has restored my relationships with my parents, and I am no longer consumed and controlled by worry and anxiety. I have learned who I am in Christ, how to renew my mind, how to have a relationship with God again. I also understand the importance of being in the Word, and how to let people into my life.

My plans for the future include finishing my bachelor’s degree in nutrition. Once I have completed my degree, I want to work with women and girls who struggle with eating disorder behavior.

To all those who give to Mercy, I just want to say thank you for saving my life! I would not have had this opportunity without your support.