Bailey – 2013 Graduate

BaileyI grew up in a very loving Christian home as a pastor’s daughter, but that role made me feel like I had to be perfect and perform. I was molested by a childhood friend when I was five, which led to a lot of shame and secrecy in my life. As I got older, I was taken advantage of sexually multiple times and I felt such guilt and confusion .I fell into a deep depression in my teen years when my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and our church went through a church split. I was diagnosed with anorexia and bulimia in high school and this went on through college. I entered a leadership school and endured more abuse, and began self-medicating with prescription medications, over the counter medications, and anything I could get my hands on. I attempted suicide multiple times, and when I ran out of medication and began to detox, I hit rock bottom and told my family about everything that happened.

A Mercy graduate and family friend and had shared her story with us awhile back. My parents remembered this and told me to check out Mercy online, encouraging me to apply. I didn’t think I was “bad” enough to get accepted, but I see now how much I needed Mercy.

Since coming to Mercy, I have learned the beauty of forgiveness and the reality of a true relationship with God. I no longer merely know Him intellectually; I now feel His presence. I learned the healing power of renewing my mind, and God has restored hope and life to me!

I have so many plans for my future now! The world is my oyster! I am planning on going back to school and pursuing whatever God wants me to pursue. I plan on deepening my relationship with my family and becoming a great daughter, sister, friend, artist, and lover of Jesus. And for the first time ever, I plan on enjoying me…beautiful me!

I am so thankful for the opportunity to be infused with life. I have been surrounded by the best of the best who have cared and supported me non-stop. I am so blessed.