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Aya – 2014 Graduate

AyaI was born into a home full of neglect and abuse. I lost my mom and sister when I was only five. Then the physical, emotional, verbal and sexual abuse worsened. I was removed from my home when I was eight. My anxiety worsened, and I began having night terrors almost every time I slept. I remember knowing about God, but to me, He was big and impersonal. While in the orphanage, I used to bargain with God for a second chance at a family. All the while, I was smoking, stealing pills and making other poor choices. I became promiscuous at a young age because it got me what I wanted. When I was 10, I was adopted into a Christian, orderly home. However, I was not used to having rules to follow. Although my new mom tried her best to protect me, I still experienced sexual abuse. I also continued having inappropriate relationships with many men. I went to counseling and eventually confessed how desperately I wanted to die because I had brought so much stress on my new family. I thought death was what I deserved. My parents sent me to a seven-day program to get additional help, and while I was there, I began to feel even more ashamed for the feelings I was experiencing. The staff kept asking me why I felt the way I did when my adoptive family had given me so much. I felt condemned by their questioning. After that counseling program, I found out about Mercy and immediately applied.

During my time at Mercy, God restored my worth and confidence. He showed me how beautiful I really am. I cried out to God many times because I thought He wasn’t talking to me, but at Mercy I learned how to hear from Him. In my quiet times with God when I finally told Him everything, He replaced my anxieties with peace. God even worked in my family while I was at Mercy! He showed me that He is all I need. When God comes first, everything else is aligned. I have learned how to effectively communicate and that there is value in what I have to say. God has given me wisdom and strength to do the right thing. He has helped open my heart to compassion. He has helped me know how to handle pain and grieving. He has given me joy!

After Mercy, I plan on sharing my story and even mentoring youth at my church. I want to reach out to the broken-hearted with God’s love and strength. One day I’d like to get married and have kids as well.

Mercy has been amazing! I now have hope and life. I am proud to be me and to belong to God. I have plans, hopes and dreams again. None of this would have been possible without Mercy’s supporters. You are making a difference! Thank you so much.