From a young age I never knew safety or stability. A close family member was physically and emotionally abusive towards me and my mother, and I was severely bullied throughout school. I dealt with feelings of rejection from both my peers and my father and found acceptance through a girl who introduced me to self-harm. I slowly became addicted to drugs, prescriptions, and alcohol in my early 20’s. Around this time I was sexually assaulted and as a result, I felt dead inside. I had no hope for my future and wanted nothing to do with living anymore. I thought that if God really loved me and had all these amazing plans for my life then He would make it possible for me to get complete healing somewhere.

While at Mercy, I have learned that I am worthy of God’s love and His mercy and grace. I don’t have to fear life anymore because He gave me the ability to hope and dream for life again and to just live. The Lord taught me how to love others with a whole heart, and to know not everyone is out to get me and that He is my defender.

After graduation, I plan to go to school in the spring and work for an amazing company that gives back to my community in some way. I plan to get involved in my church and one day be able to serve on the worship team. I hope to one day be able to work with the younger kids through music and art therapy.

Mercy donors, thank you so much!  I am so thankful that I was able to find complete healing and know that God loves me so much and has so many dreams he wants to instill in me. Thank you for your contribution in helping me find my freedom!