I grew up with a twin brother and a lot of comparison. I never felt like I could be good enough. My parents divorced, and my dad worked a lot, so apart from bi-weekly trips to his house, I didn’t get to see him very often. I grew up feeling unworthy, alone, and forgotten. I was sexually, physically, and verbally abused multiple times from multiple men and began to use drugs to mask the pain. I also was in and out of jail from the time I was 18. I had no hope for my future, and I just accepted my life was always going to be the same.

I found out about Mercy through my grandmother, and I decided to apply because I was sick of living my life in and out of jail and not being able to see my daughter. I knew the life I was living was not going to lead anywhere but death.

I had a really big turning point when I started hearing the Lord speak to me. I was able to realize that He had always spoken to me, I just never took the time to listen. I was also able to finally break ties with my boyfriend of three years who was my drug dealer and my father’s age. I didn’t believe it was possible, but once that tie was broken, I was finally able to breathe again. I realized that I have a choice in everything I do. It was so freeing to know that I actually had a voice and my opinion is wanted and accepted.

Through my time at Mercy, God planted in me a seed of hope and purpose. I now understand that HE paid the ultimate price for me and that He has washed me white as snow. I can walk around with my head held high knowing I am loved, accepted, and forgiven, and that my past does not have to dictate my future.

After graduating from Mercy, I plan on returning home to my daughter and getting involved with the Celebrate Recovery program at my church. I also want to look in to some technical schools for cosmetology. I’m excited to eventually volunteer with one of the Mercy homes. I want to be a walking testimony of God’s mercy, love and grace!

This program has truly saved my life, and I could not be more grateful. If it were not for the Mercy supporters, I would still be trapped in the mess of a life I was in before. I am so very honored and blessed to be a graduate of Mercy, and I can now look forward to my future because of your help and support. I will be forever grateful, and you will be forever in my thoughts and prayers.