Anne Graham Lotz Visits Mercy Multiplied Home
December, 7, 2016
During a recent trip to Nashville, Anne Graham Lotz took a short opportunity to visit Mercy Multiplied’s corporate headquarters and residential home. Mercy’s Executive Director, Christy Singleton, gave Anne a tour of the facilities and shared with her the rich history and the various aspect of Mercy’s program. Anne has a long-standing partnership with Mercy Multiplied and was grateful to see the work of Mercy firsthand.
For nearly a decade, Anne Graham Lotz has provided signed copies of her “Daily Light” devotional to Mercy residents upon graduating from the Mercy program. “Daily Light” is one of the many tools Lotz’s AnGeL Ministries offers to help people develop and maintain a vibrant faith through God’s Word. As Mercy graduates live out their healing, tools like “Daily Light” help them “stay in” the Word, one of the four essential “stay-ins” Mercy teaches to maintain life-long freedom: stay in the Word, stay in prayer, stay in church, and stay in fellowship with other believers.
During her visit Anne took a few moments to share personally with all the Nashville residents. She opened her time by stating, “I feel very glad to be here. I love girls, I love women, I love the Lord Jesus Christ, and I love what you’re about here. And Jesus is all about redemption, He’s all about a second chance.” Anne spent the next few minutes sharing how each and every person can be accepted and favored by God through Jesus Christ. She shared Ephesians 1:6, “To the praise of the glory of His grace, in which He has made us accepted in the Beloved,” illustrating that, in Christ, we are not seen in our sin, but rather the glory of our Savior. Anne shared a story of a boy denied entry into a church to see Dr. D. L. Moody preach because he was “too dirty.” However, the boy was welcomed into the church when Dr. Moody, himself, took the boy by the hand and led him through the doors of the church. She told the residents and staff “the only way that any of us gets into Heaven is because we are holding the hand of Jesus.” She further encouraged the residents and staff with the gospel message of salvation through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross. Anne then challenged all the Mercy residents to take the gospel message of acceptance through Jesus Christ to someone when they leave the Mercy home. She encouraged them by saying they have hope and help within Mercy, and it was their duties to give that away and tell someone else that they too could have hope and help through Jesus Christ.

Anastasia and Emma shared their stories and Anne prayed for them and other Mercy residents and staff
When she had finished sharing, the residents were given the opportunity to ask Anne questions about her life, her ministry and her father, Billy Graham. After a time of questions and answers, two upcoming Mercy graduates Anastasia and Emma were able to share their testimonies with Anne and thank her for coming to speak with the residents. Anne took time before leaving to pray over Anastasia and Emma and the rest of the residents and staff. All who were a part of Anne’s brief visit were deeply impacted and grateful to have had the chance to hear personally from her.
Mercy is grateful for the support of Anne Graham Lotz and AnGeL Ministries. For more information on how you or your organization can partner with Mercy, click here. Learn more about Mercy Multiplied’s free of charge, Christian residential program and resources at these links or call 615-831-6987.