Amy – 2012 Graduate

AmyI accepted Christ as my Savior when I was 5 years old, and I loved attending church. Though my family was wonderful and never pressured me to be perfect, I placed high standards on myself. I also felt socially awkward and experienced a lot of bullying at school. I quickly learned that when I performed well, I received attention from teachers and peers, so I based my self-worth on my achievements.

A family friend told me about Mercy. Though I was skeptical they could help me, I entered the program knowing my life couldn’t continue its downward spiral. When I arrived, I was determined to prove to God and the staff that I was worthy of the investment being made in me. I was depressed, but I tried to pretend I was fine.

Before long, God was transforming my heart and my mind. I truly accepted who I was in Christ, and I began to believe I had worth as a person. I learned that mistakes are part of life, and I welcomed the forgiveness that God provided. Growing up in the church, I had a lot of head knowledge about the Lord, but now His words are written on my heart.

After graduating from Mercy, I hope to work and go to college. I know that God has amazing plans for my life, and I look forward to discovering all He’s called me to.

Thank you, Mercy, for supporting me as I found freedom. “Lives transformed, Hope restored” isn’t just a nice slogan; it perfectly describes the work God has started in me.