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Amber – 2014 Graduate

AmberI grew up with little adult supervision in my home and often had to play the role of ‘mother’ and look out for my siblings. I was molested multiple times throughout my childhood, which gave me a negative view of men. At age 11, I was adopted into a different family, but I still didn’t receive the care and nurturing I longed for. In my teen years, I became confused about my sexuality and did some things that caused me shame. When I was 23, I got into an unhealthy relationship and was very co-dependent. Although I believed in God, I was conflicted with the sexual sin in my life and the struggle I was having in relationships. I knew I needed help.

My mentor told me about Mercy, which she had heard about through her church. At first I didn’t feel that my problems were big enough to apply, but I kept thinking about it. I knew I needed help and that this program addressed a lot of different issues girls struggle with. Plus, it was free!

I was resentful when I arrived at Mercy because I hated the fact that I needed to be there. Two weeks into the program, God spoke directly to me through a guest speaker and helped restore my hope. A turning point for me came when I realized I was stuck in letting go of some unhealthy relationships. I knew what I needed to do, even if I didn’t want to do it. God confirmed this for me through the things I learned at Mercy.

I now know that I am God’s child. He knows me and has a plan for my life. I’ve learned a lot about how to renew my mind and replace lies with truth. I’m embracing what God says about who I am.

After graduation, I plan to work and save money. I want to figure out if school is something the Lord is calling me to do. I’m also really looking forward to getting a dog!

I have learned so much at Mercy. This place has restored my hope and given me the skills to resist temptation and renew my mind. To the donors who give to Mercy, thank you for your support. It has blessed my life.