When I was 6 weeks old, I was put up for adoption. I spent most of my childhood wondering why my birth mother would give me away. I was sexually violated at the age of 7 which began a core belief that I was only good for that. In middle school and high school, I began acting out sexually with anyone willing. This was my way to feel loved which eventually led me to age 16 when I was raped. Later I began wearing masks and taking on a performance and a perfectionistic mentality that increased my feelings of unworthiness. At 19 the self-harm I had been battling with became less helpful, and I attempted suicide. I hated being alive and knew if I didn’t get help soon that I would officially end my life.

I heard about Mercy at age 11 at a Joyce Meyer Conference. I ended up applying later, after I was encouraged to do it by my church’s staff. I then came to Mercy very numb without any hope for my future.

A huge turning point for me was when I finally began to be honest with myself about my life being hard. I was able to feel the hurt and allow myself to grieve and receive love from the people around me and at home.

While at Mercy, God has opened my eyes. I have learned to dream and hope for a good future. I have learned how to fight and I’ve learned that I am worth way more than I ever thought because of the grace of Jesus Christ.

After graduation I plan to take some time to continue to learn about my identity and purpose and eventually get into full time ministry.

To the donors, you saved my life. A little while ago that would seem like a very small thing, but you saved my life. A life that is significant and important because of God. Thank you.