Before Mercy, my life was a black void of drinking and taking over 23 sleeping pills at night. I was depressed, hopeless, and sinking fast.
I found out about Mercy through an online chat with a graduate. I decided to apply because I knew my life would be very short, and the end would be a dark one if I didn’t seek out help.
When I arrived at Mercy, I was numb and fearful. A turning point for me was when Bayside Worship came, and Zoro spoke to us about childlike faith and holding onto that little girl inside of us even if we have to revive her by spiritual CPR. This discussion touched me, and I began to allow Jesus to revive the lost child within me.
While at Mercy, Jesus picked up my broken, shattered life and set my feet firm on the ground. I live in His lighthouse, where I am loved, challenged, protected, and adored!
After Mercy, I plan to begin my journey as a social worker for children with developmental delays.
To the donors, I am so grateful for you sowing into my future by partnering with Mercy Multiplied! You don’t know me. I was a face in a crowd – a broken girl who fell through the cracks. Because of you, I am here today with the love of God in my heart and a healthy mind, body, and soul. Thank you ever so much from the deepest part of my spirit!