Abby – 2017 Graduate

Abby | Mercy MultipliedI grew up in an amazing, Christ-filled home. My grandparents were in my life, but had a troubled relationship with my dad. As my parents began to see the unhealthiness, they decided that they needed to work on mending the relationship between my dad and grandparents before having them present in our lives. This reconciliation did not happen, and I started feeling rejected. By the age of six, I began struggling with my worth. Due to many unhealthy relationships, I was left feeling completely worthless. I then began to believe that there was something wrong with me. Because of this feeling, I began self-harming. When that became, in my mind, not severe enough of a punishment, I developed an eating disorder.

I learned about Mercy Multiplied through my mom’s friend. She told my mom about a Mercy graduate she had met. After hearing about Mercy Multiplied’s program, my mom began to think that it sounded like something that could be beneficial for me. I decided to apply because I felt hopeless. I felt an undeniable nudge from God to apply, feeling that this was the Lord telling me that I would get my hope back at this place. I came in with arms wide open, ready to receive.

A major turning point in my journey was when we Mercy residents attended the “True Image” conference at the Word of Life Center. It was the first time that I had ever experienced the Holy Spirit. I have never been the same since.

While at Mercy, God completely turned my life around. I have learned many things, but the most important to me is learning who I am to Him. I am aiming to please an audience of One, and that is it. I no longer need to try to be perfect for others around me. I am enough for my Creator, and He knows every single mistake I have ever made and every single one that I ever will make. That is absolutely incredible.

After Mercy, I feel God has called me to work with orphans in some capacity. Growing up the way I did, I never thought that I would be able to help kids who were not close to or even knew their parents. But, God has revealed to me that the parents that raised me showed me what true unconditional love was. I can now show those who have never experienced unconditional love what it is.

The Mercy Multiplied program is life-changing, and I would not have been able to come if I had to pay for it. Even the thought of someone taking their own, hard-earned money to help ME grow closer to the Lord and receive true healing is mind-blowing. My heart just overflows with love and appreciation for Mercy Multiplied donors. Thank you for letting the Lord use you to further His kingdom.