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Aaricka – 2014 Graduate

Aaricka2014I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home, however, I learned very quickly how to be a people-pleaser. I based my self worth on others’ approval, which kept me from voicing my feelings and needs. I loved playing sports, which brought me joy and many friendships in life, but from 2002-2009, I had four knee surgeries, causing my weight to fluctuate. I became very critical of who I was. I developed an eating disorder and struggled with self-harm, depression and suicidal thoughts. I tried different recovery programs and counselors, but I was trying to fix myself out of my own strength. Finally, at my lowest point, I realized I couldn’t change myself. I needed God.

I found out about Mercy when searching online for help, because I knew I needed it. When I arrived at Mercy I was hopeless about my situation and didn’t have much confidence in myself. I knew if I didn’t receive help, I would eventually die.

One of my biggest moments at Mercy was when I finally understood that there is nothing I can do to earn God’s love. I spent most of my life striving to earn praise, and I thought God would disapprove if I was not always doing something for Him. I now understand what God means when He commands me to be still and know that He is God.

I have also learned about the power that comes from speaking God’s Word. Before Mercy, I would just read the Bible, but now I know that every time I speak God’s Word out loud it renews my mind and is alive and active in me.

After graduation I plan to get a part-time job and go back to college in the fall. Eventually I want to have a family and become a physical education teacher so that I can reach out to kids and show them how much they’re loved, as well as how to be healthy and have fun.

Words cannot describe how grateful I am for Mercy! Mercy has given me my life back and has shown me that my worth doesn’t come from anyone but God. Thank you so much Nancy, staff and donors for your unconditional love and for demonstrating what it means to be true Christ-followers.