Before coming to Mercy Multiplied, I struggled with sexual sin, pornography, self-harm, and depression. I happened across Mercy in a beautiful way. One day when I was feeling like I was in a dark place, I was browsing YouTube. I searched for a video that would encourage me to self-harm. Instead of finding that, I found Mercy! Francesca Battistelli’s video “He Knows My Name” popped up. The video included testimonies from Mercy graduates! I began applying to Mercy soon after. When I arrived, I was skeptical of Mercy, but was willing to give it a try.

The biggest turning point for me during my Mercy journey was when I addressed the spirit of death that had plagued me for so long. Through Mercy, God taught me all about forgiveness, love, restoration, and His character.

After graduating from Mercy, I plan to finish college and work with children that have HIV/AIDS. I know God has big plans coming in my future!

I cannot thank all the Mercy donors enough! God did miraculous things in and through me during my time at Mercy Multiplied. God truly brought me back to life and without your donations I would not have found the help I needed.