My childhood was great until my father was killed by a drunk driver when I was eight years old. After his death, I found myself on a very destructive path. I got heavily involved with prescription pills, and I struggled with major depression and anxiety. I ended up spending a year in jail. While I was there, I realized that I couldn’t continue to live like I was, and I knew there had to be more to life.

When I was in jail, my parents heard about Mercy, and they toured one of the homes. They really liked the program and told me about it. After I got out of jail, I decided that I didn’t need Mercy, but changed my mind when things started getting bad again. I started the application process and went back and forth with the decision of whether or not I wanted to go. I finally committed to applying and soon started the program.

When I got to Mercy, I had a hard time understanding how I could have a “relationship” with the Lord. Once I let go of my control and gave everything over to God, things began to change for me. One day in class we watched a teaching by Mercy’s Founder and President, Nancy Alcorn, during which she talked about forgiveness. This helped me understand why forgiveness was a step I needed to take in order to move forward. I forgave the woman that killed my father and felt a beautiful freedom I had never experienced before.

God has totally rocked my world. He showed me how to love and accept myself. He showed me how to forgive myself. He delivered me from addiction and healed past hurts. He made me whole again.

After Mercy, I am attending Bible college. God has given me a heart to share His Word in prisons and jails, so after I graduate, I want to get involved in prison ministry. I hope to eventually start my own ministry!

I want to thank the Mercy donors and staff from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for everything you have done and given to Mercy. If it weren’t for you, I might not have had this opportunity. I pray that God blesses all of you. My life has been totally transformed, and I am so thankful for that.