Introducing Mercy’s Summer Interns
July 7, 2016
This summer Mercy Multiplied has three interns serving in our Nashville home and corporate office. We’re so grateful for their willing hearts and passion to be a part of the transformation happening at Mercy! They each bring their own special set of skills to selflessly serve the young women of our program. We’re excited to introduce you to these three world changers!
Grace works in both the Outreach and Development departments. She has been busy traveling to different Mercy events, researching church contacts, writing thank you notes to donors, and assembling and sending out promotional information. She is also reviewing the current Ditch the Baggage study to provide insight for a teen version. In her spare time, she loves exploring Nashville hiking trails and coffee shops with friends.
Q: How did you hear about Mercy and what brought you here? A: Melanie Wise (Director of Outreach) used to be my youth minister in middle school! After that she continued to mentor me, and we have remained close friends. Early this year, I had told her I wanted to volunteer/intern somewhere where I could help make an impact and do the Lord’s work. Next thing you know I’m spending my summer as the Outreach/Development intern and loving every minute!
Q: What’s the biggest thing you’ve seen God do during your time at Mercy? A: After the Freedom Experience in Monroe, Louisiana, I was looking through feedback response sheets. It was incredible to see how impactful the teachings were to so many people. I read countless stories of how the weekend inspired people to recommit their lives to Jesus, or let go of bitterness they had been holding on to, or how they are starting to find a new peace and bring light to an area of previous darkness. It’s been incredible to see the extent of God’s hand throughout the ministry and how it’s affecting the residents, attendees, and even the staff.
Lilly split her time at Mercy between the Marketing department and the Nashville home, where she assisted the Nutrition and Fitness Manager. Outside of her time at Mercy, Lilly loves spending time with her family and being outside. She is returning to the University of Mississippi in the fall to finish up her last two years of school!
Q: How did you hear about Mercy and what brought you here? A: My cousin went through the Mercy program in St. Louis when I was in high school. My family is also very good friends with Mercy Founder and President, Nancy Alcorn. We have supported the ministry for a long time!
Q: What has God done in your heart while you’ve been at Mercy? A: Through my time at Mercy, God put it on my heart that counseling may be a major calling in my life. I got to spend a lot of time with the girls, just talking and being there for them. I loved helping in any way I could! It was encouraging to see how much of a difference the home counselors made as they helped girls.
Sophia will enter her senior year in the fall at the University of Michigan, where she has been involved with New Life Church, Young Life, CHAARG, the Women’s Glee Club, and Midnight Blue a Cappella. She is majoring in Communication Studies with a minor in writing. At Mercy, she is working in the Communications and Marketing department, assisting in creating and editing content for our website and social media.
Q: How did you hear about Mercy and what brought you here? A: Over the past year, the Lord has been building within me an intolerance for injustice and a passion for women. I heard about Mercy through a friend of the woman who is now my boss! We talked on the phone and everything fit so perfectly into place. I knew it was where the Lord wanted me this summer.
Q: Are their Bible verses you’ve clung to in the midst of your work? A: Zephaniah 3: 19 has been huge. It says, “I, the Lord, will change their shame into praise and renown in all the earth.” The work is heavy. If I forget what Jesus is doing in the hearts of the young women that come to Mercy seeking transformation, it can seem daunting. I have this verse written on a Post-It on my desk for a constant reminder!
Students who desire hands-on experience and academic credit can take advantage of various internship opportunities at Mercy Multiplied. Intern applications are accepted throughout the year. Currently Mercy is seeking a Social Media Intern to serve during the fall semester. If you are interested in serving as a volunteer or intern at Mercy, please visit to download the appropriate application and return to [email protected].