When I was six, a male cousin violated me. I told a family member, but they only blamed me for it and made excuses for him. They made me feel worthless and unwanted. When I was ten, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. After almost two years of treatments and medications, I had my large intestine removed. I felt like a burden to my parents because they had to spend a lot of time and money on my health. I didn’t have many friends because I didn’t have time to spend with people. I felt very alone. Soon after this, my sister-in-law became pregnant, which I hoped would bring us closer together. My niece lived 36 hours, and our family endured the loss and pain that followed. There were many deaths and family issues around me during this time and I began to self-harm to cope.  When I began acting promiscuous with random men, my parents became extremely worried.

I found out about Mercy through a woman who applied many years ago. My parents encouraged me to apply, and the Lord slowly started to change my heart as I began working on the application. When I came to Mercy I was excited, but also skeptical. I thought it may be too overwhelming.

One specific turning point for me was when I was in a counseling session. While we were working together to get to a place of my feeling compassion towards myself, the Lord told me that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. The Lord not only showed me His compassion, but gave me a peace about my salvation that I didn’t know was possible.

At Mercy, I learned that showing forgiveness towards myself and others is a continuous process. I learned how to take my thoughts captive and renew my mind with the Word of God. I learned that it is okay to get mad, but it’s important to not act unwisely out of anger. I healed major life hurts, and learned proper ways to react in out-of-control situations. I learned how to lean on God at all times. My worth and value is in Christ alone.

After Mercy I plan to live with my parents for a few months until I can get my own place. I want to work with special-needs kids and start selling Jamberry nails as a part-time job. I also hope to get my sign language degree so I can eventually own my own daycare equipped to care for children who are deaf or hearing impaired.

Mercy has truly been a life-changing experience. There aren’t enough words to say how much I appreciate the obedience of Mercy donors to God. God has made Himself present in my life like I never knew possible. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!