Before coming to Mercy, I felt emotionally disconnected from people close to me. I felt rejected and forgotten by them. When I entered my teenage years, the dysfunctional patterns within my family caused me to have low self-esteem. This led to struggles with depression, anxiety, and a habit of isolating myself. I wanted to protect myself from getting hurt and turned to different eating disorder behaviors as a way to cope.

I learned about Mercy through my therapist and mentor. I decided to apply after she suggested I pursue a residential program for an extended amount of time. She also told me that her previous clients found Mercy to be very helpful. When I first arrived, I was skeptical, fearful, and didn’t trust the staff. I was afraid I was seeking false hope and was also struggling with control issues.

After a little while at Mercy, I realized how much I was really struggling, and I decided that I should give Jesus a try. The staff encouraged me to open my mind to God. I wanted proof that God was real and asked Him for a sign. Through a speaker in our home, God spoke directly to me, and I knew He was real and cared for me!

Throughout my time in the program, God continued to change me and show me how much he loves and cares for me. I have learned to recognize His voice. I also learned how to set boundaries and to recognize safe people. I have discovered vulnerability, self-compassion, and how to ask for help and express my needs. Most importantly, I have learned that my identity is in Christ.

After graduating Mercy, I am moving to live with my family, getting plugged into a local church, and hoping to get a part-time job.

I don’t have the words to express how grateful I am and how much Mercy has impacted me. Before Mercy, I thought I could never change or have hope for a better life. I didn’t know who I was and believed that I was unworthy and defective. I believe that God used Mercy to transform me! I now have a completely different perspective on life, in addition to hope, peace, and an expectation for good things. Now I know that my identity is in Christ and He claims me as His own. I belong. He loves me. He created me for a purpose. Thank you to all who support Mercy!