My struggles started when I was 14 after I lost two family members who were very close to me. As I got older, a variety of things intensified what was happening. My parents divorced, and I experienced physical, verbal and sexual abuse.

I found out about Mercy six years ago at a Barlow Girl concert. I applied the first time in 2012, and then applied again in 2015. I applied because there were too many distractions at home and counseling didn’t seem to be helping. When I arrived I was very angry, quiet and didn’t trust or talk to anyone.

A major turning point for me came a month into the program. I realized that the name I was using was an identity that I had created, and I chose to use my full first name for the rest of my time at Mercy. That gave me the freedom to act out as a new creation.

Through my time at Mercy, God showed me that even though I wanted nothing to do with Him while all the bad in my life was happening, He was still there protecting me. He has shown me His plan for my life and has helped me learn to trust Him.

After graduating from Mercy, I plan to go home to work and get involved at my church. I want to serve with the youth, the mission team, and the group that goes to a juvenile detention facility and ministers to the girls there. I also plan to continue writing.

I would like to thank the supporters for all they do for Mercy. Without them I would not have had the opportunity to get the healing I received or have the relationship with God that I built. This opportunity saved my life.