I grew up in a legalistic religious environment that gave me a really warped view of God. I lived with a lot of verbal, emotional, and spiritual abuse with some physical and sexual abuse thrown in the mix. I coped by stuffing my emotions down and struggled with an eating disorder, major depression, and self-harm.

A friend of mine, a graduate of Mercy, encouraged me to apply to the program. I had reached the end of myself and decided I would give this program 100%. And if it didn’t work, then I would end my life once and for all. When I entered Mercy, I was determined, but did not trust anyone, was very depressed, and thought God didn’t care about me.

I accepted the Lord as my Savior during my first month at Mercy, and that was the beginning of my growth and change. Another turning point was when God started showing me His love through stories. I started speaking out God’s truth over my life. About four months in the program, I completely broke, and as I continued to cry out and fully surrender I came out a new person.

While at Mercy, I replaced lies with truth. I have learned how to walk by the Spirit, and not by the flesh. I now know how to fight using the word of God. The Lord has revealed to me how much He loves me and that He is a good, good father. He will take care of everything I need, and He works all things for my good. I’m now sure that He has great plans for my life.

After graduating from Mercy, I plan to pursue a career in running. During that process I plan on finding full-time work wherever the Lord directs me.

 This program has been the turning point in my life. I was literally ready to die and now, through the opportunity of this ministry, the Lord has brought me back to life. He has healed me, He has set me free, He has restored my joy, and He has given me hope for the future. Words cannot express my gratitude to everyone who has made this program available to me. Thank you! I pray the Lord richly rewards you!