Mercy Celebrates 13 New Graduates
April 14, 2016
In March, Mercy Multiplied celebrated the graduations of 13 young women from the Mercy program. By God’s transforming power, each girl has courageously overcome her life-controlling issues and now walks in complete freedom. Read each girl’s hope-filled story below.

Entering Mercy I was so scared and didn’t know what to expect. I was ready for the staff, especially my counselor, to be shocked and disgusted. I was ready for them to say, “We can’t help you. You’re different than the other girls.” I was ready for everything but what I actually experienced.

I had no idea what was in store for me at Mercy, but I knew that God wanted to heal me completely. I had struggled with an eating disorder for over 12 years. The Lord used Mercy to heal my whole body and give me my life back.

God did a complete 360 in my life. He taught me how to truly hear His voice, and He took away all the things that kept me bound for so long. I’ve learned that living life with God is far better than any methods of entertainment the world gave me.

A major turning point for me was learning how to forgive myself. Something happened in my counseling session that planted a seed. That was the point where true self-compassion started, and I was freed from the cage of self-hate.

During the program I learned who I am in Christ. I have exchanged the numerous lies I believed for God’s truths. I no longer believe that I am unworthy, unloved, a failure, ugly, dirty, shameful, or defeated.

Having not grown up with stable love, I had anxiety and struggled with depression. I found out about Mercy at the hospital. I decided to apply because I wanted a difference and needed incredible change in my life.

While at Mercy I learned to actually pray and listen for God’s voice. He really transformed me. I now know I am a woman of God, and I have a bright future ahead of me.

I came to a place where I was in a constant state of wanting to die. I was beginning to think that even God wouldn’t care whether I lived or not. However, there was a glimpse of hope somewhere deep down, so I chose to take the step to apply.

God totally changed my life while I was at Mercy. He healed me of the eating disorder I thought was going to kill me. Before Mercy I was absolutely hopeless. He has given me hope, joy and excitement for the future!

I decided to apply to the program after I’d reached my lowest point following a failed suicide attempt. When I arrived I was so broken and lost. While in the program, I literally woke up one day and decided that I wasn’t going to let the enemy continue to control me.

While at Mercy God walked me through hard things from my past and was there while I grieved the little girl inside of me that experienced so much. God has given me joy and a desire to be the person He created me to be.

My early childhood was filled with abuse, and I experienced a lot of trauma. When I came to the United States in 1996, I struggled with a lot of anger, hurt, depression and confusion due to the childhood trauma. I applied for the program because I wanted to get my life on track.