I was raised in a Christian home in a very small town. I was able to be actively involved in my church’s youth group while going on missions trips to other states and countries. I knew from an early age that God had His hand on my life and that He had a specific calling on my heart. When I was eight years old, I gave my heart to Jesus at church camp. Though I was very involved in church and sports, I had a hard time in school and at church. I tried to make friends but ended up feeling rejected, hurt, and unwanted. No matter how involved I was, I never felt like I belonged. When I was in the 7th grade, I was sexually abused by five guys in my class. I didn’t know where to turn, so I kept it a secret. The abuse continued for the next three years, and I began to shrink back, withdrawing from my life and resenting my family for not being there for me. It was around this time I developed an eating disorder. I didn’t know how to cope with the pain from the abuse, so I turned to food to feel safe and in control. I was sexually abused again when I was 20 years old. I had isolated myself and began to spiral down even farther. I began to believe that God had turned His back on me and that all the promises He had spoken to me weren’t going to happen. I started restricting my food intake while harboring so much anger, resentment, and hurt toward my family. I was starving for love and acceptance, but my eating disorder only brought me a mind that was confused and a body that was slowly dying. Eventually I realized I needed help or I was going to die.
I found out about Mercy after Founder and President, Nancy Alcorn, came to a conference in my hometown two years ago. While listening to her speak, I knew I had to apply to the program. There was a sense of peace that came over me during the process of applying. I arrived to Mercy so broken, blinded by the issues that were slowly destroying my life. I was so bitter and angry that I didn’t realize how much I needed the Lord to break me down and build me back up again.
God used two different speakers to bring breakthrough in my journey at Mercy. One introduced me to the personal and encouraging voice of God. I learned how to listen for Him, and it changed everything. Another speaker represented the Father’s heart for me by taking time to listen to me and help me understand the deeper layers of his teaching. It opened my eyes and helped me see that there are people that truly care and want to get to know me.
I had no idea what was in store for me at Mercy, but I knew that God wanted to heal me completely. In order for me to experience true freedom and transformation, the Lord asked me over and over again to surrender everything to Him. I had struggled with an eating disorder for over 12 years. The Lord used Mercy to heal my whole body and give me my life back. The whole process was not easy. There were a lot of hurt and tears, but it was all worth it in the end. I have learned to lean on God when everything else fades away. God is a God that never will walk away from me. He has given me a second chance at life, and I am now able to share my story with others!
After graduating from Mercy, I am moving and making a fresh start for myself. I’m excited to get plugged into a new church and make new friendships! I am so excited about the journey that God has prepared for me! It’s reassuring that I will no longer be doing this life on my own. I also hope to travel and share my story with others someday. A huge dream would be to be able to help Mercy someday! Mercy has invested so much into my life, and I will never be the same person again.
To all the Mercy donors, I would like to personally thank you so much for investing in me, someone you have never met. Please know that everything you have given – time, money, love, or prayers – is so appreciated! I now have hope, faith, and a deeper understanding of my identity in Christ all because of your faithfulness!