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Stephanie – 2015 Graduate

Stephanie-1I was born in Russia. My mother was a prostitute, an alcoholic, and often used drugs. I was not kept safe or cared for and was often abused. I always lived in fear. There were always men around, and my mom would go to a different party every night, dragging me along as well. I was eventually taken to the orphanage when I was almost five. There I experienced bullying and continued to live in fear. I was adopted into a family and brought to the U.S. Once I started to feel safe, I began to have different behavior issues, such as fighting with my parents, screaming for hours on end, running away and harming myself. Everything I held in while in Russia came out in a destructive way, and I burned all trust and bridges with my family.

One day I had a fight with my parents and ran away from home. I didn’t come back until five the next morning. My parents then told me about Mercy. I decided to apply because I was tired of my way of living and couldn’t go on anymore. I needed to try it. Coming through the doors of Mercy, I was filled with pain and shame and was angry at the world.

A turning point for me while at Mercy was when I realized who I am in Jesus and what He can do. I also began to find freedom as I began to forgive the people who had hurt me, as well as myself. I also began to believe that I have a future.

While at Mercy I learned how much I am known and loved by God and how amazing His work in me is. I learned about Him and accepted His forgiveness. I am now in relationship with Him, and it`s the best decision I have made in my life. He took away my shame and guilt and gave me peace and joy in return. I learned that I am made in God’s image, and nothing can take me away from Him.

After graduating from Mercy, I plan to repair my family relationships and get my GED. I will be working and saving money to move out of my parent`s house. From there, I plan on going and doing whatever God leads me to and living out the life I was always meant to have.

Thank you so much to all the Mercy supporters for making my stay at Mercy possible. It changed my life and let me experience a healthy, godly environment to grow in. It is amazing all that God has done in my life, and I am thankful for people like you who played a part in my healing process.