Ashley – 2012 Graduate

AshleyI grew up in a wonderful Christian home with very loving parents. As a small child, some very hurtful things happened which caused me to feel rejected and abandoned. This caused fear to overshadow my life. In high school, I began drinking to cover up my hurt instead of turning to God. I became very angry and bitter and tried to control everything in my life. I struggled with depression and anxiety and coped by trying to control my appearance. I developed an eating disorder, and I was on a path to destruction. I heard about Mercy from a family friend, and I jumped at the opportunity to come. I knew I couldn’t keep living the way I was, and this was an answer to prayer.

While at Mercy, God enabled me to forgive those that hurt me and He set me free from the anger and bitterness I had been carrying. I now see myself as beautiful, and I am free from the eating disorder. God has helped me to release control of my life to Him and experience complete life transformation!

I am excited to return home to intern with a local ministry for the summer and start college in the fall. I plan to share my testimony often and help others receive the freedom I have.